Prior to Starting Treatment
- Make sure you are well hydrated throughout treatments, starting 2 days before your first scheduled treatment. (At least 100 ounces of water a day)
- Make sure the area of treatment is free of all hair (we recommend shaving the day you are scheduled for your treatments to ensure the machines can have the best contact with the skin).
- Do not wear any jewelry or metallic accessories. You will be asked to remove it for each
treatment. - Avoid moisturizers, make-up, oils, lotions, and perfumes on the day of treatment. We will provide make-up/alcohol wipes at your treatments if needed.
- Females only-if you still have menstrual cycles and start prior to any treatments, contact our office manager to reschedule at 307-459-8001 (Alex Bruton’s work cell phone). She is available on the weekends if that is when you are scheduled for.

Personal History
Please note any of the following conditions you currently have OR have had in the past.
chemical peel
(within the past
90 days)